How to file a complaint or F.I.R.           Fortis Dengue update: Victim's father files police complaint

The First question comes to our mind is what is the difference between complaint and F.I.R.?
Image result for article on zero FIRThe difference between a F.I.R. (First information report) and a police complaint is that an F.I.R. relates to the cognizable offence whereas a police complaint can be filed for both non-cognizable and cognizable class of offences.

Now, what does Cognizable offences and Non-cognizable offences means?

Cognizable offences are those in which the police can arrest without any warrant. These are more serious in nature. 
Whereas, Non-cognizable offences on the other hand are those for which a police officer has no authority to arrest, unless with a warrant.

Who can file an F.I.R.? Anyone, a victim of a crime, a person who has witnessed a crime or who has information about the crime can file an F.I.R.

Different source to file the complaint or F.I.R.

Enlightenment in detail

Personally visiting concerned police station.

a) It can be by giving oral complaint, or

b) Written complaint to concerned officers or senior police officers..

Free Copy of F.I.R.
Step 9: A free copy of F.I.R. will be given to you with an F.I.R. number, date of F.I.R. and the name of the police station.

R.T.I. (Right to Information)                                                 The RTI Amendment Bill, 2019 > Career Launcher
If there is no response or steps taking on the said complaint even after follow up same can be re-verified followed with R.T.I. against the acknowledged complaint copy. R.T.I. 

Filing a private complaint in court.

a)    Order of magistrate to investigate the matter/complaint U/s 156(3) Crpc.

If the police authority or concerned office fails or decline to register the said complaint and there is enough evidence to support the complaint you always have a master key framed under the Criminal Procedure Code U/s. 156 (3) to file a private complaint and get the order of investigation by the magistrate or concerned court.

Online Complaint or Online F.I.R.

Many State’s Police authority nowadays provides an online platform to file a complaint for their citizens. The complaint can be directly file on the provided website of this authority’s. For instance the Mumbai Police authority is the one of the advance police authority who provides the platform for their citizens.

Social Media

In the 21st century the technology is playing a major role in each and every field. We must have come across many complaint or video’s or other source of information which were either uploaded or shared on social media like facebook, tweeter etc. ended up to file complaint or F.I.R.
Nowadays, it is the easy way of putting up your views on online platform where a mass of volume is available. 


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